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Monty Health Officials Investigate Possible Exposure to COVID19 Virus at a Princeton Party

Montgomery Township Health Department is aware of individual residents who may have been exposed to COVID 19 at a private party in Princeton.

People who have attended this gathering have been advised by the Health Department to stay home for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.

Montgomery Health Department disease detectives, and our neighboring agencies, are investigating the contacts of these attendees as of Wednesday, March 11, and will reach out to anyone determined to be at elevated risk of exposure.

The risk to the general public remains low at this time. 

Still, it’s smart to practice common-sense habits to prevent COVID 19 and flu:

Wash your hands often, with soap, for 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice). Cover your coughs with your elbow, not your hands, or use a tissue, throw it out, and wash your handsStay home when you are sick.

Don’t share your germs!Avoid close contact with people who are sickClean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

For more information, see the Health Dept. COVID-19 webpage at:

Source: Montgomery Twp. Health Dept.


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