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► Susan P. Bristol (Independent)

Susan P. Bristol is running for Rocky Hill Borough Council. She is principal of SPB Architecture, earned her degrees at the University of Virginia, School of Architecture, BS Arch & M.Arch. Married to Henry Bristol, they raised three children in Rocky Hill. She is now a grandmother.

Susan P. Bristol

In Her Words

I am an Independent candidate because I don’t believe that partisanship has a place in local governance.

What are the three top issues in Rocky Hill?

1. TRAFFIC: A problem on Washington St. (Rt. 518) that is not only about volume, but scale, speed, noise, and air quality.

My fix: Regional cooperation and action at the infrastructure scale. Also, installation of more crosswalk safety signals.

2. HISTORIC DISTRICT: Our fragile village center, its future development (‘The Schafer Tract’) and the condition of our commercial area.

My fix: Rigorous criteria for future development, demanding it be contextual, an asset to the community, and not undermine our ordinances, values, and quality of life.

3. INFRASTRUCTURE: The Public Water Supply & the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library.

My fix: Help the borough to engage our citizens and experts in offering solutions. We (council) will need to research and analyze in order to make decisions that will have long term implications for our health and future. Fixing these problems requires vigilance and openness — with input from the community. As an architect and planner with project management experience, I bring a clear vision that points to the future with a deep understanding of the past.

My early work in municipal road, water, sewer, and engineering departments gives me a strong foundation for our necessary infrastructure work.

Why are you running for Rocky Hill Borough Council?

I have the experience and skills needed at this time in the governance of Rocky Hill. Being on council would be a new experience for me, although I have worked with council as past chair of the RH Planning Board and with regional and state entities beyond our borders.

I have also served the community in many other leadership, volunteer, and special events positions. To paraphrase a former mayor, ‘In such a small town everyone has to participate and eventually you serve’ (Anthony Bianculli 1971-74).

What do you love most about Rocky Hill and why?

I love the scale of our community — it is walkable and bike-able with great access to local, county, and state parks. I love the architectural variety in our historic district and the efforts folks make to contribute to its beauty. I love the volunteer spirit that gets us all involved, not only out of necessity, but to improve our shared quality of life.

I love that a child can speak at a Rocky Hill Borough Council meeting about litter in our parks and inspire an annual Earth Day Cleanup.

I love to read and appreciate the Mary Jacobs Memorial Library! ■


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