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FIRST RESPONDER SPOTLIGHT – Firefighters Have a Changing of the Guard

Montgomery Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 2, Station 46, thanks George Gurzo for “four excellent years of service as chief” and announces their new chief is Adam Verducci.

Incoming Fire Chief Adam Verducci (left) with Outgoing Fire Chief George Gurzo

Chief George Gurzo joined the station in 2008, inspired by his grandfather, Don Thiel, who was a firefighter for more than 50 years and served as chief of MTVFC#2 in 1968 and 1969. Following his grandfather’s footsteps, Chief Gurzo assumed his position as chief in 2017 at the age of 25, after serving many other leadership roles in the department.

In his four years as chief, he focused on department culture, professionalism, and expansion, growing the department from 40 members to more than 70. Under his leadership, MTVFC# 2 expanded the fleet by commissioning a new command vehicle, adding a deputy vehicle, and replacing a 20-year-old engine with a new, modern engine – all to better protect the citizens of Montgomery.

Chief Gurzo’s says, “Station 46 has been a second home,” and he will remember the family that surrounded and supported him during his 13 years of service. “We sincerely thank George Gurzo for his years of service as a firefighter and as chief, and appreciate his extreme devotion to the station,” the MTVFC#2 said in a prepared statement.

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The year 2021 with brings a new chief for Station 46. Chief Adam Verducci also joined the station in 2008. He says he became a firefighter so he could give back to the community. He will be taking on the role of chief because it has been something to which he has always aspired. Chief Verdecci said being chief is the best way he can provide the most help to his community. He says that being chief not only means being a leader, but being a coach, a mentor, and someone that anyone can look to for help.

Station 46 is always looking for volunteers. Visit or the firehouse any Wednesday evening at 7 pm for information how to join.


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