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A Tug Boat in New York Harbor Bears His Name

By Barbara A. Preston | May 5, 2022

Centerline Logistics, a relatively new company in New York Harbor, asked, in honor of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, if there was somebody the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey would like to honor by renaming one of the tug boats they had recently acquired.

William F. Fallon Jr., who died in the World Trade Towers on 9/11 while trying to rescue colleagues, was chosen, overwhelmingly, according to Bethann Rooney, Deputy Port Director. A combination of Fallon’s family, including his widow Brenda Fallon, who still lives in Rocky Hill, his son Christopher, who now lives in Asheville, North Carolina, his brothers Don and Peter, his friends, and Port Authority retirees and employees who worked with Bill Fallon prior to 9/11, all gathered in a special ceremony.

Brenda Fallon of Rocky Hill with her son Chris Fallon of Asheville, North Carolina at the William F. Fallon Jr. Vessel Naming Ceremony at Port Authority in Newark on Friday, April 15. The tugboat is named in remembrance of Brenda’s husband and Chris’ father, who died on 9/11.

A tug boat was named in his honor and christened amid bag pipes, a priest with holy water, a bottle of whiskey on Friday, April 15. Sal Molino, director of engineering for Centerline Logistics, spoke at the event. “We at Centerline are honored and humbled to the carry the legacy of Mr. William F. Fallon Jr. through New York Harbor as a beacon of courage in adversary, remembering his sacrifice and heroism,” he said.

Centerline is a premier marine petroleum transportation operator with one of the largest and most diverse fleets serving the West, East, and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Molino quoted President John F. Kennedy: “We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it, we are going back from whence we came.” “May God bless all who sail upon her, and inspire all who bear witness to her. Captain, ring those bells,”

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Molino In the tradition of the Merchant Marines, the eight bells signals the end of the watch. When you are serving on duty, it’s normally the end of the watch. Deputy Port Director Rooney, spoke next, explaining that Fallon gave his life while trying to save others. “I was a relative newbie at Port Authority at the time I worked with Bill,” she said. “I was working in the World Trade Center, close to Bill, for four years. “When I think of Bill and his service in the Navy, in the Merchant Marine, and his early days with Farrell Lines, I think he epitomizes service: love of God, love of nation, love of friends and family,” she said. Bill was part and parcel of Farrell Lines, a U.S. flag roll-on, roll-off carrier that provides international end-to-end transportation services to the U.S. government and commercial customers.

Brad Saraschan, captain of the William F. Fallon Jr. tug board, ringing the bell eight bells times to signal the end of the watch.

Brenda Fallon said that Bill loved working at Port Authority. “I’m sure he would be so happy to have this huge, beautiful tug boat named after him. “I want to give my thanks to Centerline Logistics. Welcome to the Port of New York and New Jersey. “I am honored you are able to do this in Bill’s name. And, thank you to the Port Authority for choosing Bill to be the one to be honored.”


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