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Winter Coat Drive

Many people in Legislative District 16, which includes parts of Somerset, Mercer, Middlesex, and Hunterdon counties, are still suffering profoundly from the mental, physical, and fiscal effects of the pandemic and Hurricane Ida. Along those in need, winter coats for adults are especially in demand.

Assemblywoman Sadaf Jaffer (LD-16, Montgomery Township); Senator Andrew Zwicker (LD-16, Kingston), and Assemblyman Roy Freiman (LD-Hillsborough) are partnering with You Give Goods to collect new winter coats for those in need. The winter coat drive will run through February 20.

In order to help those who are suffering through these tumultuous times, visit You Give Goods. Click SHOP next to the charity you would like to support. You will be emailed a tax receipt at the time of purchase. All goods ordered online will be shipped directly to each charity after the drive ends.

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