Beware of Utility Company Scam

March 30, 2021

Montgomery police received a report from a local business that a representative purporting to be from their utility company attempted to solicit payment for their utility bill over the telephone.

The caller provided specific information regarding the employee’s business and requested payment for an outstanding utility bill in the form of gift cards. Fortunately, the employee was savvy enough to realize their account was in good standing and this was a scam, police said.

Below are some red flags:

  1. You receive a call from what looks like your utility provider on your caller ID.

  2. The caller threatens to shut off your service and demands an immediate payment by cash, prepaid card, wire transfer, or Bitcoin.

  3. The caller informs you that you require a new meter and demands a deposit before the installation can occur.

  4. The caller alerts you that, because of your good bill-paying history, you’re eligible for a bill reduction or discount but you must provide information first.

  5. Utility providers do not accept payment via prepaid gift cards, wire transfers or cryptocurrency.